Thursday, April 26, 2018

Boost Your Mood

Exercise raises levels of brain chemicals that elevate mood. This makes you more likely to stick with your eating habits, because the happier you are, the less emotional eating you will do. Excerise also helps sensitize the body to many different hormones, including insulin and cortisol. This ensures that, once you mend your metabolism, the right amount and right types of exercise will keep you healthy.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The True Coronary Culprits

Countries that consume diets rich in saturated fat tend to suffer very little heart disease, whereas countries that consume diets rich in hydrogenated trans fats suffer high rates of heart disease. Population studies show that people who eat small amounts of trans fats, white flour, or sugar do not have heart attacks. Common sense should tell us that the problem isn’t animal fat alone. It’s trans fats, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Eggs are good

People shy away from eggs because of outdated research about the dangers of dietary cholesterol and fat. Eggs, as it turns out, are on the healthiest foods on the planet. The yolks contain lutien and zeaxanthin (antioxidants that protect your eyes from cataracts and blindness) and choline (important in preserving memory).


Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Dangers of Pesticides

Conventional farmers use more than 400 chemicals to kill weeds, insects and pests that attack crops. Fruits and vegetables are washed many times before they reach the supermarket, but tests show that pesticide residues linger. Researchers have determined that up to 17 percent of the original pesticide residue remains on produce. These residues are probably harmful to your health, and may interfere with your metabolism.