Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Saturated Fats. #CompleteIdiotsGuidetoFlourFreeEating
Saturated fat is a fatty acid produced from triglycerides. Unlike other fats, it's fully saturated with hydrogen atoms and therefore becomes solid at room temperature. Saturated fats are further classified as long-, medium, and short-chain triglycerides. The majority of fat-bases foods we eat are long-chain triglycerides.
Saturated fats are found in numerous food products, including the following:
-Short-Chain Triglycerides: Cow's milk, Sheep's milk, Goat's milk
-Medium-Chain Triglycerides: Coconut oil, Palm kernel oil, Butter
-Long-Chain Triglycerides: Butter, Red meat, Chocolate, Solid Shortenings, Eggs
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Exploring the Link Between Gut Microbes and #Diabetes. #Usnews
We carry almost six pounds of microbes in our gut, which forms our gut microbiome. Each individual has a unique gut microbiome (also known as gut microbiota) based on a number of factors such as genetic background, diet, antibiotics exposure and age. Your gut microbiota is personalized like a signature.
This unique mix of bacteria is diverse and responsible for numerous functions. For instance, some of our gut bacteria protect against external bacteria and support our immune system. They also help regulate intestinal hormone secretion and synthesize vitamin K and several B vitamins, including folate and vitamin B12.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Despite popular belief, yeast overgrowth isn't something that only affects women. #StubbornFatFix
Plenty of men have it, too. We recently treated an executive who had been diagnosed with sleep apnea and was using a breathing machine to keep his windpipe open at night. It turned out that a yeast overgrowth in his GI tract was causing an excessive amount of post-nasal drop. Within 4 days of starting a diet, the man was no longer using his breathing machine, and his wife no longer complained of him snoring.