Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pucker up for lemon juice.

Among numerous other health benefits, the acidic nature of #lemon juice blunts blood sugar spikes and helps control the release of energy after a meal. Also:
• Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C—a cup of #lemonjuice, just 15 calories’ worth, packs almost 50 percent of your daily value.
• One #study in the journal Public #Health #Nutrition found that low vitamin C increased the likelihood of developing abdominal fat by 131 percent.
• Another study of more than 20,000 people showed that people who ate the most #vitamin C-rich foods were three times less likely to develop #arthritis than those who ate the least.
• Vitamin C helps prevent #cholesterol from sticking to cell walls, and lemon’s flavonoids attack free radicals and protect against cancer.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Light or Dark Olive Oil ?

olive oil 171017.pngLearn more about how lowering your carbs and increasing fat intake can change your life and health for the better with “The Stubborn Fat Fix” – available on Amazon. 

Visit for more info.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The problem isn't animal fat alone

Countries that consume diets rich in saturated fat tend to suffer very little heart disease, whereas countries that consume diets rich in hydrogenated trans fats suffer high rates of heart disease. Population studies show that people who eat small amounts of trans fats, white flour, or sugar do not have heart attacks. Common sense should tell us that the problem isn’t animal fat alone. It’s trans fats, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates.