Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The GI Tract: There are more organisms living in your gut than there are cells in your body. #StubbornFatFix

Many of these organisms are good guys that synthesize vitamins and fatty acids, neutralize toxins, and make hormones. Others aren't. As they ferment the food you eat, they release toxins that can slow metabolism and make you feel fatigued.
Taking antibiotics, eating meat laced with antibiotics, eating too little fiber, or consuming too much sugar can throw off the delicate balance of bacteria and other organisms in your gastrointestinal tract. When antibiotics reduce levels of healthy bacteria, or when sugar overfeeds yeast and unhealthy bacteria, levels of healthy bacteria drop and yeast and harmful bacteria proliferate. Yeast secretes toxins that weaken the immune system and cause the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gastric reflux, post-nasal drop, brain fog, fatigue, increased appetite, headaches, rashes, and food allergies.

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