Saturday, December 26, 2015

The sex hormones #StubbornFatFix

You may be low in testosterone (If you are a man) or progesterone (if you are a woman) and high in estrogen for either sex. Fat cells store and secrete estrogen, so as you gain weight, estrogen levels rise, which interfere with testosterone and progesterone levels. Estrogen, like insulin, is a fat-storage hormone. When overly high, it also worsens blood sugar control. #CBHealthNY

Friday, December 18, 2015

How To Supplement #StubbornFatFix

If we lived in a perfect world and ate perfectly every day, none of us would need supplements. In the world we live in, our produce is not as nutritious as in years past. It grows in mineral-depleted soil and loses countless nutrients and antioxidants as it is trucked across the country. In the world we live in, most of our meat and animal products come from livestock fed an unnatural diet of grain and soy. This yields meat that is not as nutritious as that from animals fed a natural diet.

It’d be great if you could purchase only organic vegetables at a local farmer’s market and find locally raised meat and eggs from small farmers who allowed the animals to graze naturally. It’s a great goal, but few of us manage to do it all the time. All of this makes supplements a must. They help fill the nutritional gaps created by less than perfect food sources and eating habits. #CBHealthNY

Friday, December 11, 2015

Infertile men have a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, study finds #StanfordMed

Infertile men had higher rates of most diseases the researchers were screening for in the study, including heart disease and diabetes, even when results were adjusted for obesity, smoking and health-care utilization. In addition, men with the most severe form of male infertility had the highest risk of renal disease and alcohol abuse. #CBHealthNY

Friday, December 4, 2015

When an individual has #pre-diabetes it means they are beginning to develop insulin resistance #myfox8

If you are diagnosed with #prediabetes and you don't make important lifestyle changes, you could develop type two diabetes. Having #diabetes also puts you at risk for #kidneyfailure, #heartdisease, #stroke and #blindness. Fortunately, pre-diabetes can be reversed. A recent study on diabetes prevention found that patients with pre-diabetes decreased their risk of diabetes be 58% through diet and exercise. #CBHealthNY