Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Pancreas and Insulin #StubbornFatFix #CBHealthNY

As your stomach and intestines break down the food you eat into fuel that can be absorbed into the bloodstream, the pancreas pumps out insulin, a hormone that helps your body either store extra calories (as fat) or burn them for energy. Think of it as a master key that opens many doors (cell membranes) throughout your body. Some of these doors are on muscle cells. When insulin fits into the locks on these cells, blood sugar enters and is either incinerated to make energy or stored (in the form of glycogen) for later use. Insulin can also open doors on your fat cells. When it fits into a fat cell’s lock, blood sugar is converted into fat and store in the cell. Some insulin is good- it helps the food you eat go where it belongs. Too much insulin-which generally comes from eating too much of the wrong types of food- is not.

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