Thursday, December 22, 2016

Fatigue at the beginning of #TheStubbornFatFix plan.

You may experience some fatigue during the first few days of the diet, as your body switches from a carbohydrate metabolism to a fat metabolism. Most of the people we work with report amazing levels of energy after a week or two of following the food plan. In fact, one man told us he felt so energetic within a week of starting the diet that he was running full speed uphill- for the fun of it.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

#Fiber: The Whole Truth

In 1900, the average American consumed more than 30 percent of daily calories from fiber-rich whole grain foods. Today, that number has dropped to less than 1 percent. Yet, Americans are eating more grains. How can we be consuming less fiber if we’re eating more grains? Nearly all of the grain we consume comes from refined wheat flour, which contains little to no fiber.

Friday, December 9, 2016

What to Expect on #TheStubbornFatFix

By eating differently, building in indulgences, changing your lifestyle, and taking up the right supplements, you’ll remove your barriers to weight loss. You’ll lose an accelerated amount of weight in the first week or two on this plan. You may lose up to ten pounds in just one week. Expect this rapid weight loss to taper off; some of it is water and stored carbohydrates. Once your body adjusts to the plan, you can expect to lose up to ten pounds a month, or roughly two pounds every week. You may find that the number of inches you shave from your measurements makes it seem like five pounds a week.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Choose Goat Dairy instead of Cow Dairy #DrKeithBerkowitz

Cow’s milk is more difficult to digest because it’s made of long-chain fatty acids. This takes more work for the digestive system to break down and can cause bloating and inflammation and raise cholesterol in many individuals. Goat or sheep milks are absorbed easier because they have more short-chain fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids (The smaller the fatty acids, the easier it is for your body to break it down). Goat milk also has slightly less lactose than cow’s milk. It’s thicker and more satisfying than almond or other nut milks- especially when it comes to cheeses. There are more fatty acids in it, which means it has more satiations.