Friday, May 29, 2015
This Diet Is Better for Your Brain Than Low-Fat. #TIME
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Family Fitness #StubbornFatFix
-Go for family bike rides
-Have weekly hula hoop contests to see who can keep the hoop going the longest
-Set up sport cones in the backyard and create fun obstacle course races through the cones. Run Backwards, shuttle sideways, or even crawl on all fours. Get creative and have fun
-Have a “race” night, holding wheelbarrow, three-legged, and other types of races
-Take turns bouncing on a mini trampoline
-Do a family yoga video
-Take a family walk after dinner each night
-Jump rope
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Her #Diabetes! #StubbornFatFix
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1997 and have since been taking a number of medications to control my blood sugar.
The first 2 days of the diet were tough but I followed it strictly for 2 weeks. I found myself looking for carbs. I was used to grabbing foods off my children’s plates. Valerie helped me to be more aware of what I was reaching for and why. Then my body got used to it and I got used to it, and the cravings diminished.
The biggest change for me was breakfast. I had been eating oatmeal, but I switched to eggs. I also learned to have a low-carbohydrate snack either just before or during my children’s snack times, so I would not be tempted to nibble on whatever they were having.
It’s a healthy way of eating. I am eating real foods rather than processed foods. I am eating fruit, vegetables, and protein foods – all foods that are good for you. Occasionally, I’ll indulge in 70% chocolate. When I eat starch, like pasta or brown rice, I eat only one serving so that my blood sugar remains in control. Once in a blue moon I might have a sugar-free ice cream, but that’s it. I might have a bite of a higher carbohydrate food from time to time, but I don’t eat a whole serving. These small treats are what make the plan livable.
I had unbelievable results. In just 6 weeks I not only lost 6 pounds, but my blood glucose normalized. My blood glucose dropped from 92 to 89, and my HbA1c was 5.8%! I was able to stop taking all of my medicines. I’m technically not diabetic anymore. I feel good, really good, and I’m so happy to not be taking prescriptions.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
There are more organisms living in your gut than there are cells in your body. #StubbornFatFix
Many of these organisms are good guys that synthesize vitamins and fatty acids, neutralize toxins, and make hormones. Others aren't. As they ferment the food you feel fatigued.
Taking antibiotics, eating meat laced with antibiotics, eating too little fiber, or consuming too much sugar can throw off the delicate balance of bacteria and other organisms in your gastrointestinal tract. When antibiotics reduce levels of healthy bacteria or when sugar overfeeds yeast and unhealthy bacteria, levels of healthy bacteria drop and yeast and harmful bacteria proliferate. Yeast secretes toxins that weaken the immune system and cause the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea/constipation, bloating, gastric reflux, post-nasal drip, brain fog, fatigue, increased appetite, headaches, rashes, and food allergies.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Start exercising LATER rather than sooner #StubbornFatFix
If you have an adrenal or a thyroid disadvantage, you need rest. Consider it doctor’s orders NOT to exercise. Exercise will only further tax your body, hindering weight loss rather than helping it. We do not recommend you start exercising until you have lost 10% of your initial weight, have established good sleep habits, and feel well rested. If you have any of the other disadvantages, you can start exercising as soon as you feel ready. Know that dietary changes are much more effective, however.