Saturday, September 10, 2016

Struggling with temptation? A Progress Report can make a huge difference. #TheStubbornFatFix #DrKeithBerkowitz

Create a weight loss Progress Report and carry it with you. It does’t have to be fancy. Some notes jotted down on a piece of paper will do. Write down how much you’ve lost and any side benefits you’ve noticed. Feeling more energetic? Write it down. Has your mood improved? Write it down. Have you been able to reduce your dosages of specific medications or stop taking them altogether? Definitely write it down! Are you physically able to accomplish tasks you were not able to accomplish before you lost weight? Write it down. Think of as much as you can, and jot it down on your Progress Report. Add to it over time. Whenever you are tempted to eat emotionally, pull it out and read it out loud.

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